Monday, April 28, 2014

Kitchen cabinets - part 2

Big weekend for the island. Starting very early Friday morning, I had to stop at Menard's on the way from home to pick up the counter tops and still make it to the ferry by 8:00 AM to meet the Bayside contractor to fix the tankless water heater at Cedar Cottage.

I was excited to see the drywall finish work completed at our cottage. Thanks Mike. However, the entire place was covered in dust from all the sanding, so I spend the next few HOURS cleaning up pounds of drywall dust. Unfortunately, the cottage will be very dusty for a while until I can get some primer on the ceilings and walls.

Just having all of the seams mudded and sanded is so nice, but really the ceilings look the best. It is tricky to see from the photo below, but the ceiling texture in the bedrooms/bathrooms look(s) great.

Ceiling texture
Before closing up the cottage last year for the season, I took some measurements for two built-in wall shelves, one in the bar hallway and one in the master bathroom. Here is a sneak peek of the of the built-in bar wall shelf, custom built by my father-in-law Bob Trapp. Looks awesome, huge thanks!
Custom built-in wall shelf
Uncle Al was able to catch the 7:00 PM ferry on Friday night to join in the fun. We hit the town that night and planned to start bright and early Saturday morning installing the kitchen cabinets.
Uncle working on the cabinets

Here is a before and after photo for you to put the kitchen into context...
Kitchen before
Although the photo below looks promising and I am happy with the overall look and size of the kitchen cabinets, I made some stupid planning mistakes.

Kitchen after

Long story short, I need to custom order some new upper cabinets sizes and take down some that are already installed. This sucks. And too add "fuel to the fire", the largest 60 inch sink base (correct size) was completely split down the side. I didn't notice the damage until I unpacked the box. I should have checked at the store, but needed the cabinets boxed for hauling up to the island. Yep, I had to lug it back off the rock!

Good news is that we were able to salvage the two "over-an-appliance" cabinets by installing them in the laundry room instead.

Utility room cabinets
As always when I am working up on the island all weekend, I miss some family time. My baby girl lost her first front tooth and I wish I was there to see it happen. Love you Sophie!

My baby girl Sophie
Next steps...
  • Install the 60 inch sink base
  • Install butcher-block counter tops (and backsplash)
  • Relax for a minute