Thursday, December 30, 2010

Septic system installation - just in time

Here are some of the earliest photos of our lot on Lower Cliff courtesy of our neighbor Chris. This is from December 2010 shortly after the septic tank and field was installed. At that time, we were in a hurry to get this done because the regulations were changing (supposedly) on January 1st, 2011 requiring a much more costly septic system.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Burn Permit

Here are some early progress photos of the lot after the initial clearing was done by Fred Soski. This is all before the septic and home site excavation. Brad came up for the weekend to help out with some chainsaw work. Ask Brad about the "Doku" chair.

Brad helping out - view looking north to the Arnold's

Early lot clearing, pre-septic installation

From the back looking west towards the road

12 inch drain pipe extension from back of the property

Burn pile

Our plan was to move the brush into manageable piles for burning. However, to our dismay, we didn't have a "burn permit" from the village.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Lot clearing

Here are some photos of the lot clearing...

Cottage home site looking northwest towards the Arnold's

Soski's backhoe excavator

Friday, August 27, 2010

Step 1

We seriously started looking for a new lot in the summer of 2010, eventually selecting our property on Lower Cliff in July. Here are some of the earliest photos during that time.

This is the 1st photo of our new property on Lower Cliff

After Ted Terry signed over the deed to the property to Bonnie and me at the Erie County Recorder's Office in late August, we decided to celebrate with lunch at Quaker Steak and Lube in Vermilion at McGarveys Landing. Here is pic taken by Bonnie of a very happy guy!

The big beer