Thursday, January 3, 2013

Happy New Year 2013!

Well here's to healthy, happy and prosperous 2013. It's only been 7 weeks since we closed up the cottage for the season and I'm already getting the itch... Since, the plan is to open sometime in March (weather permitting) I'll be back on the rock in less than 90 days, nice!

On facebook today, the Village Pump posted some new info about the Battle of Lake Erie. Starting to look forward to the Bicentennial celebration already. Should be tons of fun with various festivities planned on and around the lake all summer. The big shindig on Kelleys is happening on Labor Day Weekend. This gives me a deadline to have running water, at least one bathroom, and air conditioning working in the new cottage as soon as possible but NO LATER than August. Let's do this...

Get ready for Labor Day Weekend 2013